Bicycle & Motorcycle Dynamics 2023

Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles
18-20 October 2023, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands

All Conference Papers Now Published

Now that the open peer review process has concluded, we are happy to announce that we have accepted and published 28 peer reviewed conference papers resulting from the work of the presenters and authors at the 2023 Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Conference. Congratulations to all authors! We are grateful for the work of all the anonymous reviewers, the editors, and both the TU Delft OPEN Publishing team and the Orvium team to make this all happen.

All papers and their associated reviews can be viewed on the Orvium BMD Community Page:

Each published paper will have either two or three versions, depending whether there was one round of peer review or two. The peer reviews for each version can be accessed in the right panel or the "REVIEWS" tab and the author's response to the reviews can be found under the "FILES" tab.

Example paper showing the published Version 2 and the initially submitted Version 1 along with the open peer reviews and editorial decision for each version on the right panel.

We are busy preparing the proceedings book made up of presented abstracts and all conference papers. Look for an announcement about it in the near future.